Red Brick Property is the same group as One Heritage Group PLC (LSE:OHG), a public listed company in the UK, through the resources in the group, we are a developer, contractor and have our own letting management, cleaning and maintenance teams. It can provide customers with one-stop service, from property renovation, letting management, maintenance to cleaning, taking care of every detail of customers’ overseas property purchases. In order to use the best quality and the most convenient and simple way, it is convenient for owners to easily understand the status of the UK properties.
【曼徹斯特物業市場分析 實體講座】

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【港人熱門移民英國城市分析Manchester 線上講座】

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曼徹斯特M3 One Victoria 展銷會及免費講座

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【英國自住及投資首選 - 曼徹斯特One Victoria線上講座】
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曼徹斯特 One Victoria展銷會及免費講座

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